Psalm 35:18 I will give thee thanks in the great congregation: I will praise thee among much people.
Introductory Thoughts
Churches and believers have been intimidated by the world and lukewarm Christianity. Many believers have allowed the world to convince them that Christianity should not be openly practiced except in the confines of the home or within a place of worship. Religion (to include Christianity) has been classified as a private matter. Far too many churches have curtailed efforts of going to the lost to present the gospel to them. Believers have even become increasingly intimidated in mentioning the name of Jesus in publick for fear of ridicule or offending others. The Bible points out that failing to give God thanks in the sight of others thwarts the will of God. According to scripture, we should give God thanks and praise Him “among much people.” Before limiting this to giving of thanks within church meetings, the Bible specifically says that we should “give thanks unto thee, O LORD, among the heathen” (Psalm 18:49).
Devotional Thoughts
- (For children): Read Psalm 126:1-3. After being held captive for seventy years, the children of Israel openly told unbelievers who did not love God that it was God who brought them back into their land. How can we learn from their example?
- (For everyone): Are you embarrassed in the presence of others to vocally give thanks to the Lord? Do you offer excuses for your unwillingness to obey the clear commands found in God’s word?
- Are you more concerned about pleasing the Lord even if others might not agree with what you are doing? Are you prepared to stand at the judgment seat of Christ and give an answer for your unwillingness to thank Him?
Prayer Thoughts
- Ask God for boldness to publickly thank Him.
- Ask the Lord to constantly remind you of the coming judgment.
Song: O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing