Flattery—found twenty-one times in twenty-one verses

Variations: flatter, flattereth, flatteries, flattering, flattery

First usage: Job 17:5 (flattery)

Last usage: 1 Thessalonians 2:5 (flattering)

Defined: dishonest praise, or accurate praise with an impure motive

Interesting fact: The word flattery (in its various forms) appears more often in Daniel chapter 11 than in any other chapter (Daniel 11:21, 32, 34). This method of dishonest praise will be the means by which the Antichrist will obtain his kingdom during the tribulation (Daniel 11:21, 32). It is not surprising that the New Testament says his coming is “after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders(2 Thessalonians 2:9).

Bible study tip: The Bible was not written to merely provide knowledge, even if the knowledge is doctrinal in nature. Genuine Bible study leads to the practical application of the learned truths. Study the Bible with the intention of becoming more conformed to its scriptural admonitions. The more one conforms to scripture, the more this yields additional Bible knowledge because the Lord manifests Himself to you. “He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him(John 14:21).

Sunday, Day 99—Church Day (no devotional)

Monday, Day 100—What Is Flattery?

Tuesday, Day 101—Flattering Lips Shall Be Cut Off

Wednesday, Day 102—Church Night (no devotional)

Thursday, Day 103—A Flattering Tongue Causes Ruin

Friday, Day 104—Rebuke Better than Flattery

Saturday, Day 105—Flattering Titles

Day 99: Church Day

Proverbs 7:4Say unto wisdom, Thou art my sister; and call understanding thy kinswoman:

5 That they may keep thee from the strange woman, from the stranger which flattereth with her words.