Prayer—found 545 times in 511 verses
Variations: pray, prayed, prayer, prayers, prayest, prayeth, praying
First usage: Genesis 12:13 (pray)
Last usage: Revelation 8:4 (prayers)
Defined: to ask or request; however, doctrinally, it suggests simply speaking to God
Interesting fact: Genesis 4:26 does not use the word prayer; however, it does teach an important truth concerning prayer. The scripture uses texts, chapters, and sometimes even books of the Bible to transition from one spiritual facet to another. Genesis chapter 4 reveals when men began the transition from speaking to God face-to-face to calling upon Him in prayer (Genesis 4:26). Prayer has certainly served a special purpose and great blessing to God’s people, yet God’s people should anxiously anticipate the future return to face-to-face communication.
Bible study tip: Be careful not to allow preconceived ideas to narrow your understanding of a Bible word. Some well-meaning teachers have taught that prayer is merely asking and receiving. However, the Bible contains prayers void of questions or requests. Read 1 Samuel 2:1-10 as an example.
Sunday, Day 225—Church Day (no devotional)
Monday, Day 226—What Is Prayer?
Tuesday, Day 227—When Did Prayer Begin?
Wednesday, Day 228—Church Night (no devotional)
Thursday, Day 229—The Godhead at Work in Prayer
Friday, Day 230—Praying in Jesus’ Name
Saturday, Day 231—The Form of Prayer
Day 225: Church Day
1 Samuel 12:23 Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you: but I will teach you the good and the right way: