Comfort—found 131 times in 119 verses
Variations: comfort, comfortable, comfortably, comforted, comfortedst, comforter, comforters, comforteth, comfortless, comforts
First usage: Genesis 5:29 (comfort)
Last usage: 2 Thessalonians 2:17 (comfort)
Defined: commonly defined as a feeling of relief, but more accurately comfort involves inner strength that an individual can carry with him along the way
Interesting fact: Comfort is a wonderful gift from God. However, there are times when individuals are so distraught that they refuse the comfort offered to them. Out of the 131 times comfort (or its variations) is found in scripture, three times you will find that someone “refused to be comforted” (Genesis 37:35; Psalm 77:2; Jeremiah 31:15).
Bible study tip: The Lord is not opposed to the asking of questions. One of the greatest inquiries mankind can make revolves around “why?” In God’s word, the Lord graciously makes statements only to follow those statements with the reason or cause for the previous statement. For example, the Lord “comforteth us in all our tribulation” THAT “we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble” (2 Corinthians 1:4).
Sunday, Day 50—Church Day (no devotional)
Monday, Day 51—What Is Comfort?
Tuesday, Day 52—The God of All Comfort
Wednesday, Day 53—Church Night (no devotional)
Thursday, Day 54—The Comforter, Which Is the Holy Ghost
Friday, Day 55—Comfort of the Scriptures
Saturday, Day 56—Comfort One Another
Day 50: Church Day
Psalm 119:76 Let, I pray thee, thy merciful kindness be for my comfort, according to thy word unto thy servant.