Contention—found thirteen times in the Old Testament and seven times in the New Testament

Strife—found sixty times in the Old Testament and twenty-nine times in the New Testament

Variations: contention, contentions, contentious, strife, strifes, strive, strived, striven, striveth, striving, strivings, strove

Last usage of contention in the Old Testament: Habakkuk 1:3 (contention)

First usage of contention in the New Testament: Acts 15:39 (contention)

Last usage of strife in the Old Testament: Habakkuk 1:3 (strife)

First usage of strife in the New Testament: Matthew 12:19 (strive)

Interesting fact: Strife is likened to the letting out of water (Proverbs 17:14), taking a dog by the ears (Proverbs 26:17), and fire (Proverbs 26:20-21). It should be of no surprise that the Bible says, “every fool will be meddling” (Proverbs 20:3).

Bible study tip: At times, the Lord chose to use all capital letters in a word or phrase. For example, God said of Himself, “I AM THAT I AM” (Exodus 3:14). One day the Lord shall be called “THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS” (Jeremiah 23:6). And one day the woman of Revelation chapter 17 will have “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH” written upon her forehead (Revelation 17:5). Consider why these and other such unique instances might exist and why God would use ALL CAPS in some places and choose not to do so in others.

Sunday, Day 71—Church Day (no devotional)

Monday, Day 72—Strife, a Sign of Carnality

Tuesday, Day 73—Love of Strife

Wednesday, Day 74Church Night (no devotional)

Thursday, Day 75—Let Us Not Walk in Strife

Friday, Day 76—A Froward Man Soweth Strife

Saturday, Day 77—Stirring Up Strife


Day 71: Church Day

Proverbs 17:1 Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than an house full of sacrifices with strife.