Loyalty—Although the Bible does not contain the word loyalty, the concept is related to faithfulness which occurs twice in two separate verses in the Law (Genesis-Deuteronomy), twelve times in twelve verses in the Prophets (Isaiah-Malachi), twenty-one times in twenty-one verses in the Psalms, and thirty-one times in thirty verses in Paul’s writings (Romans-Hebrews).

Variations: faithful, faithfully, faithfulness, unfaithful, unfaithfully

Interesting fact: Before David, Moses, or Elisha had ministries or kingdoms of their own, they exercised loyalty with the possessions of others. A man disloyal toward others will never be worthy of his own authority, nor will he be worthy of loyalty from others.

Bible study tip: When looking into the New Testament for an Old Testament person or place, consider that the spelling could vary from one testament to the next. For example, Isaiah in the Old Testament (Isaiah 53:1) is Esaias in the New (Romans 10:16); Elijah (1 Kings 19:10-18) is Elias (Romans 11:2); Messiah (Daniel 9:25) is Messias (John 4:25); and Joshua is Jesus (Hebrews 4:8). This difference in spelling happens when the original languages differ in translation from each language into English. The variation remains intact because of the honesty and integrity of the King James translators.

Sunday, Day 148—Church Day (no devotional)

Monday, Day 149—Loyalty Conquers Rebellion

Tuesday, Day 150—Loyalty Gives Honour

Wednesday, Day 151Church Night (no devotional)

Thursday, Day 152—Great Men Are Loyal

Friday, Day 153—Loyalty Overcomes Obstacles

Saturday, Day 154—Loyalty Yields Reward


Day 148: Church Day

Hebrews 13:5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.