Stealing—found forty-eight times in forty-five verses
Variations: steal, stealeth, stealing, stole, stolen
First usage: Genesis 30:33 (stolen)
Last usage: Ephesians 4:28 (stole, steal)
Defined: to take something or someone away secretly or without right
Interesting fact: Genesis chapter 31 contains 17 percent (eight out of forty-eight) of the occurrences of the variations of steal or stole. Interestingly, this single chapter contains both major concepts of the words steal and stole: (1) to take things not belonging to you (Genesis 31:19, 30, 32, 39) or (2) to go away secretly (Genesis 31:20, 26, 27).
Bible study tip: The Bible incorporates several three-word phrases with the word “of” surrounded by the same word at the beginning and end. The only difference is that the closing word is plural (i.e., king of kings, heaven of heavens). The purpose of this use identifies the first word as superior to all those included in the latter grouping.
Sunday, Day 288—Church Day (no devotional)
Monday, Day 289—Thou Shalt Not Steal
Tuesday, Day 290—Out of the Heart
Wednesday, Day 291—Church Night (no devotional)
Thursday, Day 292—The Thief Cometh
Friday, Day 293—Whose Is Partner with a Thief
Saturday, Day 294—If a Man Shall Steal
Day 288: Church Day
Leviticus 19:11 Ye shall not steal, neither deal falsely, neither lie one to another.