Stewardship—found twenty times in eighteen verses
Variations: steward, stewards, stewardship
First usage: Genesis 15:2 (steward)
Last usage: 1 Peter 4:10 (stewards)
Defined: the oversight of another man’s substance or possessions
Interesting fact: Many people focus upon the qualifications of the bishop but fail to note the association of this man’s work to his stewardship. The Bible states that the bishop is to “be blameless, as the steward of God” (Titus 1:7). In fact, every qualification that follows verse seven describes the qualifications one would seek from the man entrusted as a steward. It only stands to reason that God would also say that “if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?” (1 Timothy 3:5).
Bible study tip: Some Bible studies prove resourceful in unlocking additional keys to understanding other Bible studies. Every Bible student should study the chronology and details of Paul’s missionary journeys recorded in the book of Acts. An adequate grasp of these journeys enhances one’s understanding of each of Paul’s epistles.
Sunday, Day 309—Church Day (no devotional)
Monday, Day 310—What Is a Stewardship?
Tuesday, Day 311—The Requirement for Stewardship
Wednesday, Day 312—Church Night (no devotional)
Thursday, Day 313—An Unjust Steward
Friday, Day 314—The Responsibility of the Steward
Saturday, Day 315—The Steward’s Account
Day 309: Church Day
1 Peter 4:10 As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.