Joshua 10:25 And Joshua said unto them, Fear not, nor be dismayed, be strong and of good courage: for thus shall the LORD do to all your enemies against whom ye fight.
Here is a short update with some exciting news, upcoming travels and a prayer and praise report to those following my blog/devotions. I will try to keep you updated about once per month on Sunday or Wednesday mornings since on these days there will be no devotional. This is also done because it is a church day where these requests will be fresh on your mind as you attend church.
Partners for Truth
This is a special thanks to all those of you who partner in truth with us by praying for and supporting this ministry throughout the year. Without each of you, I could not focus on producing so many Bible believing resources. With God’s help, I want to do more than ever in 2014. Would you agree to join with us in praying for the fulfillment of our threefold ministry objective found in Ephesians 4:12: (1) the perfecting of the saints, (2) the work of the ministry, and (3) the edifying of the body of Christ? In addition to this, please pray “that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you” (2 Thessalonians 3:1). Lastly, consider forwarding this email to anyone who might be interested and be watching over the next few months for some very important ministry news.
Devotionals Now Posted Online
I am co-authoring with my pastor (Dr. Andrew B. Ray) a devotional study series to be published in four volumes annually. The devotionals are posted daily on my blog found at You can sign up to automatically receive the devotionals by entering your email in the top right margin of the website. You will then be prompted by email to confirm your subscription.
Please share this site with friends and family so that they too can freely read these simple, yet challenging thoughts and truths. The first couple of weeks are already online to give you a sense of what to expect in future posts. We have been overwhelmed by the response already. Here are some of the comments received by email and posted online during the first week:
From Lorraine: “Very convicting – thank You LORD for using (these brothers) to keep my perspective a godly one!”
“Greetings Brother! The message was just what was needed today – thank you LORD!”
From Jason: “A really encouraging devotion. Bringing Christianity back to basics!
From J.C.: “This is good! We need more “Daily Devotionals” on the network”
From Ken: “Thank you brother, good job!”
From Jonathan: “Awesome. Looking forward to receiving them. Love the lay out.”
From Buddy: “Please subscribe me (this email) to the daily blog. I read them & they are great. The thoughts presented are rich and thought provoking.”
Mimi: “Hi Doug! Thanks for your e-mail and informing me of the Daily Devotionals. I would love to have it sent to my e-mail daily and I will also pass it along to Hutch.”
From Gene: “Doug you are a busy man-yes; sign me up–Gene”
From Terry: “Doug, I’m pleased to hear about your new venture in cyberspace. Please add me as wanting to receive your notes.”
Brett: “Yes, I do like the blog. Looks like it will a real help, thank you.”
From Leanah: “This is exactly what I needed today. Praise the Lord!!”
Scott: “Dr. Doug, Great website! I will use it daily for a devotional thought of the day. I appreciate it. Keep doing what you are doing!”
Janet: “I look forward to these devotionals each morning. I thank God for His words to live by and for those who will proclaim and teach the Word.”
February Youth Conference
A few of us from Antioch will be traveling to the Youth Ablaze Conference near Rochester, New York. The dates are February 20 to 22 sponsored by Chili Bible Baptist Church, Pastor Hal Roscoe. Details are available at so if you have the guts and some warm clothing during this arctic blast come on up…the water’s fine (and completely frozen over). Don’t let the dedication of hockey and football fans devoted to their teams put us to shame.
March Revival and Prophecy Conference
I will fly to Pennsylvania to hold a revival at Grace Baptist Church (March 16th to the 19th) in Spring Hill, Pennsylvania, with Pastor Kenneth Codner.
I return home Friday afternoon, March 21st and will leave for Florida that night. On Sunday morning, the 23rd, I will be preaching at Victory Baptist Church in Okeechobee, Florida, Pastor Johnny Jarriel. Sunday night is still open.
Later that week, I will be preaching at the “Orlando Prophecy Summit” (March 28 to the 30th) at the Renaissance Seaworld. They expect 1500 people in attendance. I will be speaking on the subject, “Will the Church Go Through the Tribulation?” along with some additional scriptural discoveries. In preparation, I read the entire book of Revelation twice last Thursday, first taking note of who was speaking to John. The next time through I annotated the 76 interactions with angels. My heart is warmed and my mind is racing from the excitement of God’s progressive revelation. You too can register for the conference at or drop by to see us in sunny Orlando.
Last Month’s Ministry Prayer Requests
- Convert each book into eBook (time and funds)
- Purchase a motor home for safety and facilitate more efficient travel (ASKED AND ANSWERED)
- Setup new blog website (long overdue). (ASKED AND ANSWERED)
- Finish four-volume devotional books being developed with Pastor Andrew Ray (completed the first two months)
- Write and publish a new dispensational/prophecy book (in the works)
Thanks for reading all the way down here…Lord bless you and please, please, please, please, please pray for this ministry. Hopefully, I will have some prayer cards ready by the middle of March.
Douglas D. Stauffer, CPA, PhD | 6612 Hickory Way Lane | Knoxville, TN 37918
865-253-7316 (Home) | 866-344-1611 (toll free) | 334-221-1611 (cell)