Proverbs 3:12 For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.

Introductory Thoughts

Worldly misconceptions have caused many believers to struggle with the biblical concept of love. Love can originate from what is generally considered a negative expression. Our passage shows that the Lord corrects those whom He loves. Love does not express itself for the satisfaction of the one who loves, but for the benefit of the one that is the object of one’s love. When we think of how to express our love for someone, a hug or kind words generally come to mind. These expressions are often used to send a message of love; however, the Bible presents additional insights often not directly associated to loving someone. This is why the Bible points out that chastening can be used to express love toward the recipient. Furthermore, Proverbs 13:24 shows that a father who loves his son chastens that son because of his love for that child. We are led to believe that expressing love for others is best expressed by bailing them out every time they are in trouble. Yet, the Lord declares that love does what is best for the recipients of that love, even if that includes correction.

Devotional thoughts

  •  (For children): God expects your dad and mom to correct you because He wants you to learn to do right (Proverbs 19:18). Eli’s sons did wickedly and Eli spoke to them, yet they continued in their evil ways (1 Samuel 2:23-24). He should have taken more serious action (1 Samuel 3:13) but did not, and his two sons were killed in battle as a result of their wicked living.
  •  (For everyone): Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? Is it possible that God allows things to happen to us, good or bad, for our benefit?
  •  When God corrects or chastens His people out of love, He does so not for His own enjoyment, but for the benefit of those He loves. What can we learn from His example?

Prayer Thoughts

  •  Thank the Lord for loving you enough to chasten you.
  • Ask the Lord to help you manifest love in His way.