Psalm 43:4 Then will I go unto the altar of God, unto God my exceeding joy: yea, upon the harp will I praise thee, O God my God.
Introductory Thoughts
The Bible provides several sources of man’s joy; but each source can in some way be directly traced back to the Lord. In today’s passage, Psalm 43 describes God as the psalmist’s “exceeding joy.” According to Psalm 16:11, there is “fulness of joy” in God’s presence. While the Bible indicates that man’s soul can be joyful in the Lord (Psalm 35:9 and Isaiah 61:10), it also associates joy directly to God’s strength (Psalm 21:1). Moreover, God’s word provides a source of joy for the saint (Jeremiah 15:16). In the New Testament, the book of Romans identifies God as the saint’s source of joy, but specifically, this joy comes “through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:11). Perhaps men lack the joy of the Lord because they disregard the Lord of their joy.
Devotional Thoughts
· (For children): David said, “I will be glad and rejoice in thee” (Psalm 9:2). Habakkuk 3:18 concludes with, “…I will joy in the God of my salvation.” How can you be assured of being glad and find joy in the Lord? The answer is simply dwell upon the things He has done for you through the cross.
· (For everyone): Do you spend time in prayer daily? Do you set aside the time to read and study the word of God? If not, you are missing some of the most important opportunities to know the joy of the Lord.
· What are your sources for joy? Is your joy irregular? If so, you most likely are looking for joy in the wrong place. When our affections are placed squarely upon the source of joy, it will not falter or waver like those who trust in self.
Prayer Thoughts
· Ask the Lord to help you find your joy in Him and His word.
· Ask God to show you if your sources for finding joy are misleading you.
Song: Jesus Is All the World to Me