Deuteronomy 32:14 Butter of kine, and milk of sheep, with fat of lambs, and rams of the breed of Bashan, and goats, with the fat of kidneys of wheat; and thou didst drink the pure blood of the grape.
Introductory Thoughts
Reading commentaries offers varying opinions concerning the definition of purity. However, the Bible offers some exacting details which give the right definition. Today’s passage speaks of the “pure blood of the grape.” In other words, nothing was added to the juice—it was pure. There are several other substances in scripture identified as pure: gold (Exodus 25:39), olive oil (Exodus 27:20), myrrh (Exodus 30:23), incense (Exodus 37:29), and language (Zephaniah 3:9). Each instance emphasizes that nothing exists to corrupt the nature of the original. These substances are not combined with other materials to dilute or defile them. In essence, purity demands the absence of any substance that corrupts, defiles, or taints in any way.
Devotional Thoughts
· (For children): A fly lands in your glass of milk and drowns. Do you still want to drink the milk? No, the milk became unclean and is no longer pure. We can become unclean on the inside by sinning (being selfish, mean, lazy, etc.). God wants us all to be pure and clean.
· (For everyone): Some of the things mentioned in this study require a process to become pure. Only the Lord can make wicked and vile sinners pure in His sight.
· What are some things that exist in your life (anger, pride, deceit, unclean thoughts or actions, etc.) that are contrary to purity? How can you focus on purging these unholy things from your life?
Prayer Thoughts
· Ask the Lord to purify you on a daily basis.
· Ask God to show you the imperfections in your life.
Song: Cleanse Me