Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Introductory Thoughts
The working of God is quite often misunderstood due to its complexities. God often uses multiple things and allows them to work together to accomplish His will. He does this in the life of one who has been saved but also does this to bring about that person’s salvation. Just like medications offer active ingredients to cure a physical sickness, the Lord has several active ingredients to cure spiritual sickness. Without man’s faith (Romans 10:9) and repentance (Acts 20:21), Christ’s faith (Galatians 2:16), God’s grace (Ephesians 2:5, 8), His mercy (Titus 3:5), His word (1 Peter 1:23), Christ’s blood (Hebrews 9:11-14), and the Lord’s name (Acts 4:12), salvation would be inadequate. Anything presently identified as the gospel that excludes any of the above is a false gospel.
Devotional Thoughts
- (For children): Look under the hood of a car. All the parts work together to enable us to move from one location to another. Salvation is a onetime event which assures us of heaven. Salvation has many parts that we cannot see but each of those parts works together. For instance, we believe and repent and God does the rest.
- (For everyone): Have you ever trusted Christ as Saviour? How did each of the active ingredients listed above work together to bring about your new birth?
- Salvation is simple for the sinner, but the Lord’s working is quite complex. When is the last time you thought to thank God for the individual pieces that worked together to lead to your salvation?
Prayer Thoughts
- Thank God for working to bring about your salvation.
- Ask the Lord to give a deeper understanding of salvation.