Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Introductory Thoughts

Any person who suggests that Christianity is simply an easy way to avoid the trials of life speaks as a fool or a liar. In actuality, the Christian life involves an ongoing outward battle along with a constant inner struggle. Perhaps the greater of the two is the struggle which exists within a believer. Part of the Christian (called the new man) wants to do right, while the other part delights in doing wrong and following the old ways (the old man). Faith in God’s word and God’s plan is a primary means of assuring one’s spiritual success. Today’s passage focuses on the absolute necessity for personal faith within the life of a Christian. The book of Hebrews says, “without faith it is impossible to please him (God).” Hence, the Bible repeatedly states that unbelief displeases God. In fact, faith is so crucial to pleasing God that He devoted an entire Bible chapter pointing to the lives of those who exemplified faith. Since God spent the time, space, and effort to chronicle the faith of those of the past, He surely places no less emphasis on the faith of those living today.

Devotional Thoughts

· (For children): David believed God. Read 1 Samuel 17:34-37. Why did David believe he could kill the giant, Goliath? Similar to the example of David, God is well pleased when we believe in Him, His word and His plan for us.
· (For everyone): The Lord is not going to add any names to Hebrews chapter 11, but He continues to keep track of those whose lives exemplify a life of faith. Are you concerned with making such a list by living a life of faith?
· Do you desire to live a life pleasing to God? What are you doing in order to achieve this goal? When is the last time you can remember exemplifying a great measure of faith?

Prayer Thoughts

· Ask God to mold you into a person known for strong faith.
· Ask God to open your eyes to the importance of taking Him at His word.

SONG: My Faith Has Found a Resting Place