Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Introductory Thoughts

The Bible repeatedly teaches that faith is of paramount importance in the life of every believer. Furthermore, the Bible clearly specifies the origin of faith as “the word of God.” Unfortunately, most Christians understand little about the singular source of true faith. The Bible teaches that the believer’s faith increases only in proportion to his hearing of God’s words. Man may see things in this life that lead him toward doubt and dismay, yet the hearing of God’s word shrinks these doubts by building and strengthening faith. For instance, reading about the working of God in the lives of men like Moses, Joseph, and David, and women like Ruth, Hannah, and Sarah increases faith in God. These imperfect men and women displayed great faith because of God and His word. Remember that faith is a choice, but there is little opportunity for choice without the hearing of God’s word.

Devotional Thoughts

· (For children): To be able to believe God, you have to know what He says. To please God, you have to know what He expects. What book did God give us that tells us about Him, His promises, and what He wants us to do?
· (For everyone): Do you devote a sufficient amount of time for reading your Bible? Do you realize that too much time spent separated from the Bible feeds unbelief? Your lack faith and inconsistency may mean that you need more Bible time.
· How does Bible reading build your faith? How can learning about the lives of Moses, Paul, David, and Abraham strengthen your faith today?

Prayer Thoughts

· Ask God to help you make time every day to read your Bible.
· Ask God to strengthen you in times of unbelief by reminding you of His work in the lives of men and women of the past.
SONG: The Old Book and the Old Faith